Vedic Chanting
The Vedas are considered the oldest known repository of ancient Indian wisdom, serving as a vast treasure trove of knowledge and insights revealed to the Rishis, or ancient seers. Presented in the form of musical Sanskrit poetry, the Vedas have been passed down through an oral tradition known as adhyayanam, which translates to “a journey to the inner self.” Vedic chants transcend ordinary consciousness, helping us connect with the infinite cosmic mind.
Sanskrit, the language of the Vedas, is a vibratory language. Ancient yogis considered sound (vibration) to be a fundamental element of the universe, believing that everything in manifestation is literally constructed of sound. Each thing possesses its own unique qualities created by resonant vibration. Through Vedic Chant and mantra, we can access and integrate these qualities into our own being, profoundly influencing every dimension of our lives.

Benefits of Vedic Chanting
The practice of Vedic chanting is a powerful tool for healing and connection. It benefits the nervous system, enhances our ability to focus the mind, and encourages all parts of our being to work in harmony. Additional benefits include
- improved mental focus
- enhanced memory
- better listening and communication skills
- heightened self-expression
- increased breathing capacity
- reduced mental and emotional agitation
- and overall energization of the system.
Chant with Annie
The best way to begin is to connect with a teacher who can guide you. Chanting in a group can be supportive and build confidence, especially for the novice. One on one chanting lessons helps you hone and refine your skill and technique.
Call and response (adhyayanam) is at the heart of learning Vedic chant. This time-honored method of instruction explores listening closely as the teacher chants, and then repeating it in exactly the same way. Accuracy and adherence to the six rules of Vedic chanting ensure the vibratory meaning and energetics are both experienced and preserved.
Annie teaches one-to-one and small group Vedic Chanting in person and online via Zoom.